========= Changelog ========= - :support:`-` Publicly document the `.util` module and its `~.util.set_runner` decorator, which decorates the functions in the `.files` module (and any future applicable modules) allowing users to specify extra arguments like ``sudo=True`` or ``runner_method="local"``. As part of publicizing this, we added some docstring mutation to the decorator so returned objects expose Sphinx autodoc hints and parameter lists. This should replace the ``function(*args, **kwargs)`` signatures that used to end up in the rendered documentation. - :support:`-` Add parameter lists to the members of the `.files` module. - :release:`1.0.1 <2018-06-20>` - :bug:`23` Fix some outstanding Python 2-isms (use of ``iteritems``) in `.info.distro_name` and `.info.distro_family`, as well as modules which imported those -- such as `.packages`. Includes adding some basic tests for this functionality as well. Thanks to ``@ChaoticMind`` for the report. - :bug:`20` (via :issue:`21`) `patchwork.transfers.rsync` didn't handle its ``exclude`` parameter correctly when building the final ``rsync`` command (it came out looking like a stringified tuple). Fixed by Kegan Gan. - :bug:`-` Fix a bug in `patchwork.transfers.rsync` where it would fail with ``AttributeError`` unless your connection had ``connect_kwargs.key_filename`` defined. - :bug:`17` Missed some ``.succeeded`` attributes when porting to Fabric 2 - they should have been ``.ok``. Patch via Lucio Delelis. - :release:`1.0.0 <2018-05-08>` - :feature:`-` Pre-history.